Mass Deployment of the Add-In¶

Refer to this article if you need to mass deploy the Add-In for MS Exchange 2016, 2019 mailboxes
After you install the Add-In for the end users, make sure that RGES Sync Engine is activated for them to enable all product features. That can be done either individually by each user or in bulk using Exchange Impersonation
Besides rolling out the solution for the end users, it is highly recommended to install the RG Email Sidebar Salesforce managed package in your Org; it will enable the full scope of RGES features on the Salesforce side
Add-In mass deployment¶
Also see this Microsoft article for information on mass add-ins deployment
To install RG Email Sidebar Add-In for a group of entitled end users’ mail accounts, do the following:
1. Log in to Microsoft 365 Admin Center with Admin credentials
The Privacy and security of all configuration activities described in this article are guaranteed by the applicable Revenue Grid policies
2. Create an MS Exchange Distribution group or Security group as described in article 1 (Distribution) or article 2 (Security); the group will include the end business users who entitled to have RG Email Sidebar in your company. Note that having such a group allows to easily manage active RGES users and mass-activate Sync engine over a configured Impersonating account. The group will be required on the Steps 8.A.5 and 8.B.2 of this guide
3. In the navigation page on the left, go to Settings > Integrated Apps
4. Click the button Add-Ins in the upper right corner
5. Click the button Deploy Add-In
6. Click Next in the dialog that appears
7. In the following dialog, select the source you want to install the Add-In from:
A. Choose from the store: installation from Microsoft 365 AppSource. This is the recommended way used for typical deployment cases
B. Upload custom apps: installation from a setup URL or Manifest file. This method is normally used for custom Enterprise RG Email Sidebar implementations deployment
8. The remaining setup steps depend on your selection on the previous Step
If you select option A: Choose from the Store¶
8.A.1. AppSource home page will be opened in your web browser. Enter “Revenue Grid” in the search field, then click on the Solution’s icon in the search results
8.A.2. Click Get it now on the Add-In’s page
8.A.3. Fill in your contact details to get the Add-In.
These details are never shared with any third parties, they are used exclusively to establish communication with you by Revenue Grid CSM or Support Teams
8.A.4. Read the consent “I give Microsoft permission to use …”, select the checkbox and click Continue in the access consent dialog
All configuration activities described in this article are typical secure actions performed for RG Email Sidebar Add-In installation. Privacy and security of handling of accessed user data are guaranteed by the applicable Revenue Grid policies
8.A.5. In the following dialog, make sure that the switch Is this a test deployment? is switched to No
Assign users who will get the Add-In installed in their mail accounts: 1. select Specific users/groups; 2. in the field below, find and add RGES end users one by one or in bulk using the Distribution group or Security group that you created on Step 2.
Click Next to continue
8.A.6. Read the permissions you are granting to RG Email Sidebar Add-In and click Next
8.A.7. Click Finish Deployment in the final dialog
The Add-In will be deployed for all assigned users within 12 hours or less. Before the end users start using the Add-In, make sure you have enough activated RG Email Sidebar licenses. Contact our CSM team directly to address any matters with product licenses
Besides deploying the Add-In for the end users, it is important to ensure that its incoming and outgoing connections are not blocked by your corporate firewall. Refer to this article to learn how to do that
If you select option B: Upload custom apps¶
8.B.1. You may install the Add-In from a customized Add-In Manifest provided by our CSM team: from an .xml file on your hard drive by clicking Choose file or from a web address by entering the URL in the corresponding field. After you select the Manifest, click Upload at the bottom
>>> Click to see a screenshot <<<
8.B.2. In the next dialog you should assign users who will get the Add-In installed in their mail accounts: 1. select Specific users / groups; 2. in the field below, find and add RGES end users one by one or in bulk using the Distribution group of Security group that you created on Step 2.
In addition to that, define the Add-In’s Deployment method. Choose Fixed (recommended) if you want RG Email Sidebar Add-In’s icon to be constantly displayed in the user’s MS Outlook ribbon, or choose Available if you want RG Email Sidebar Add-In to be optionally available in their ribbon, or choose Optional if you want to allow the users to remove the Add-In.
Click Deploy at the bottom of the dialog to deploy the Add-In for the entitled users
>>> Click to see a screenshot <<<
8.B.3. You’ll see the deployment in progress screen and then the deployment confirmation dialog; click Close in this dialog
>>> Click to see a screenshot <<<
The Add-In will be deployed for all assigned users within 12 hours or less. Before the end users start using the Add-In, make sure you have enough activated RG Email Sidebar licenses. Contact our CSM team directly to address any matters with product licenses
Besides deploying the Add-In for the end users, it is important to ensure that its incoming and outgoing connections are not blocked by your corporate firewall. Refer to this article to learn how to do that
Setting the Default (Initial) Customization¶
In the latest RG Email Sidebar updates the default (initial) set of customization settings can be defined by local RG Email Sidebar Admin, to be applied right after the Solution is installed or after customization is reset to default by clicking the Reset to default settings button in Customization page header. This feature enables quick uniform management of settings for different user categories and facilitates restoring product functioning after unwanted adjustments were made in the settings.
Defining Individual Synchronization Settings for a User or a Group of Users¶
In the latest RG Email Sidebar updates it is possible to push pre-defined synchronization settings to groups of users and individual users within an Org, or to all users of an Org; the users can be allowed or disallowed to adjust these settings. If you need to preset customized sync settings to different users in your Org, send us a corresponding request to our CSM team.