Managing Book Me Defaults¶

In the Book Me dialog, RG Email Sidebar prefills some fields with the default values, the data retrieved from the selected email (if any), and your MS Exchange / Microsoft 365 account.
However, if required, you can set custom default settings on the Book Me defaults page in Revenue Grid.
Default out-of-the-box values¶
The following Book Me fields are prefilled with the following default out-of-the-box values:
Meeting subject – the subject of the selected or opened email when the Book Me icon is clicked in the Sidebar
Duration – 30 minutes
Attendees (required) – recipients from the To field of the selected or opened email when the Book Me icon is clicked
Attendees (optional) – recipients from the CC field of the selected or opened email when the Book Me icon is clicked
Time buffer b/w meetings – 0 minutes
Reminder – None
Minimal span between booking & actual start – 0 minutes
Available on (days of the week), From and Until time – work time, retrieved from user’s mail account settings
Managing Book Me defaults¶
Using the Book Me defaults page, you can set custom values that would be prefilled every time you open the Book Me dialog in RG Email Sidebar. These values also apply to auto-inserted Book Me merge fields in your sequences.
Open Book Me defaults¶
From RG Email Sidebar¶
- Open RG Email Sidebar
- Click the Book Me icon in the Smart Actions bottom toolbar
- Click Manage defaults at the bottom of the Book Me dialog
From Revenue Grid interface¶
- Log in to Revenue Grid at this link
- Click on your profile photo in the upper right-hand-side corner of the page
- Select Settings
- Go to Book Me defaults in the left-hand-side nav menu
On the opened Book Me defaults page, you can manage the default values for the General and Advanced options.
In the General section, you can set the defaults for the following parameters:
Meeting subject format¶
You can specify meeting subject auto-generation rule
Subject of the email opened on clicking the Book Me icon. Meeting subject is always prefilled with the subject of the email opened when you click on the Book Me button in the Smart Actions bottom toolbar.
Default meeting subject. Meeting subject is always prefilled with the Default meeting subject specified in Book Me defaults.
Combined: first default meeting subject, then email subject. Meeting subject combines both the default meeting subject (first) and the subject of the email opened when you click on the Book Me button in the Smart Actions bottom toolbar.
This combined meeting subject follows this formula: Default meeting subject + email subject. -
Combined: first email subject, then default meeting subject. Meeting subject combines both the subject of the email opened (first) when you click on the Book Me button in the Smart Actions bottom toolbar and the default meeting subject (second).
This combined meeting subject follows this formula: Email subject + Default meeting subject.
Default meeting subject¶
Out of the box, the meeting subject is prefilled with the selected or opened email when the Book Me icon is clicked in the Sidebar. In this field, you can specify a custom default subject for Book Me meetings.
Location & Duration¶
In the Location field, select a location from your MS Exchange rooms resources or manually enter a location. You can specify online services like MS Teams and Google Meet in this field.
If you set an online service – MS Teams or Google Meet – in the Location field, the booked meetings will appear on your calendar with an already generated meeting link.
A new unique MS Teams/Google Meet link is generated for every meeting. Several invitees from inside or outside of your company can join the meeting by opening the MS Teams/Google Meet link.
Note that the MS Teams/Google Meet link is not included in the Book Me email or selection table; instead, it will be added to the meeting created in the organizer and recipient’s Calendar
If you set an online service as a default location for Book Me meetings, it will be always automatically preselected when you create a new Book Me link.
In order to open the MS Teams meeting link generated this way, the recipient does not have to belong to your Organization, but must have MS Teams running
In the Duration field, select up to three different meeting slot durations that the Book Me link recipients may choose among on the resulting Booking page.
Buffer b/w meetings¶
It’s a gap between consecutive meetings booked by different recipients via the Book Me link, so you can prepare for the next meeting or have a break.
In the Required attendees field, specify the participants whose presence is required at all meetings booked using Book Me links. Internal attendees will receive the invite for this meeting once the link recipient books it.
If you add any in-org attendees, the resulting Booking page will show only the time slots that are available on all in-org attendees and organizer’s calendars. This ensures that the selected slot will be convenient and available for all required in-org attendees
In the Optional attendees field, add the participants, who will also receive the invite for this meeting once the link recipient books it, but as optional attendees. Note that optional attendees’ calendars are disregarded on building availability table.
Meeting description¶
In this field, you can specify the default meeting description. It will appear on the booking page for the recipients to see it and will be saved as a meeting description in the MS Exchange / Microsoft 365 calendar and in Salesforce.
This field is limited to 32k characters, if the description text is longer, it will be truncated to match this limit.
In the Advanced section, you can set the defaults for the following parameters:
Enable and set an MS Outlook reminder in your Outlook calendar to notify you before the meeting starts.
Minimal span between booking & actual start¶
Set from 30-minutes up to 2-week span to ensure that you will have enough time to get prepared for the meeting after a slot is picked by Book Me link recipient.
Maximum number of Book Me meetings per day¶
Set a maximum number of Book Me meetings scheduled per day. Note that this feature is not supported for delegated calendars.
Availability timespan¶
In the Available on (days of the week) selection, define the weekdays which will be available or unavailable for the meeting booking.
In the From and Until drop-down lists, set the hours range that will be used for generating available slots to book the meeting. For example, you can use them for limited-time activities (conferences, field visits, business trips, etc.).
Allow inviting guests¶
Allow recipients of the generated Book Me link to invite extra guests as optional attendees. Recipient can add up to 10 guest emails on the Booking page.
Disregard organizer’s calendar¶
Enable this checkbox to exclude the meeting your (organizer’s) calendar from the generated meeting time selection table.
Recipients of the generated Book Me link will be able to book meetings on the occupied slots of your (organizer’s) calendar. If this checkbox is enabled, your (organizer’s) status on the occupied time slots in your calendar are shown as Free.
This feature is useful if you organize meetings for other people, where your participation is optional or not required.
Confirmation page settings¶
By default, after booking a meeting with you, the attendees see the default RG meeting booking confirmation page with meeting details (so-called “thank you” page). However, instead, you can configure a redirect to another page. For example, a redirect to your company’s website.
To configure a custom redirect link on booking confirmation:
Select Redirect to an external site in On confirmation
In the Redirect URL, specify the necessary link
Tip for admins
Admins can limit the possibility for end users to change the action on booking confirmation or redirect URL for meeting booking confirmation page on their level in Book Me defaults. This functionality is managed with a special Admin Panel setting – ExternalConfirmationPageURL
Save changes¶
Once you customize the Book Me defaults according to your preferences, click Save and refresh RG Email Sidebar to apply the changes.