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Sequences 101 | Run sample sequences to settle in

2 min read - updated few hours ago

The goal is to complete full cycle of engaging a prospect, starting from setting up the sequences.

  1. Go to the Sequences tab.

  2. Find sequences “Sample to be run - Auto step” and “Sample to be run - Manual step”

  3. Clone them.

  4. Add recipients to the sequences. Use template recipients.

  5. Activate the sequences.

  6. Handle interactions, the replies from recipients and engage them.

  7. After engagement is done, archive the sequences.


Sequence name: “Sample to be run - Auto step”

1 step, 1 day long

Step 1, Day 1 - automatic new email thread

Subject: Welcome to Engage - Automatic email

Hello {{Title}} {{First Name}} {{Last Name}} from {{Company}},

We got an offer you can't miss out on. Here are the details...

{{Auto inserted Signature}}

Sequence name: “Sample to be run - Manual step”

1 step, 1 day long

Step 1, Day 1 - automatic new email thread

Subject: Welcome to Engage - Manually edited email

Hello {{Title}} {{First Name}} {{Last Name}} from {{Company}},

We got an offer you can't miss out on. Here are the details...

{{Auto inserted Signature}}