Monitoring Users and Profiles Sync via the Admin Panel¶

To use RG Email Sidebar Admin panel, special access permissions are required. To request the permissions for your organization, contact Revenue Grid support team by email.
Admin panel provides tools for managing end users. Some of its key settings duplicate RG Email Sidebar Customization and Sync settings on the admin level.
Administration panel includes features for monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing synchronization processes. Here, you can track:
- Current profiles and users synchronization statuses
- Synchronization sessions statistics
- Synchronization issues
Monitor synchronization statuses¶
To help you quickly identify whether synchronization is enabled or disabled for a profile or user, in addition to the textual status there is also a color coding:
- Enabled is green.
- Disabled and Disabled due to an error are red.
Sync statuses can be monitored and managed both on the profile’s and user’s level.
View synchronization statuses for profiles¶
To display synchronization statuses for the profiles:
- In the Administration section, click Profiles.
The list of all your profiles will appear and the sync status of each profile will be displayed in the Synchronization status column.
For better processing, you can filter the list by the sync status:
- In the Filter by menu at the top of the page, in the Synchronization status section, select Enable or Disable value.
The list will show all profiles with the selected status.
View synchronization statuses for users¶
You can review synchronization statuses on the users level for all users of all profiles you have access to and for users in a specific profile.
Display statuses for all users¶
To view synchronization statuses for all users:
- In the Administration section, click Users.
The list of all users on your tenant will appear on the page. The sync status for each user is displayed in the Effective synchronization status column.
In the users list, the Effective synchronization status reflects the user’s current sync state, while the Synchronization status shows the overall availability of synchronization for the user’s profile.
You can also filter the user list by sync status by selecting a needed status in the Filter by menu.
Display statuses for users in a specific profile¶
To view sync statuses for users of the particular profile:
- In the Administration section, click Profiles.
- Open the needed profile.
- Go to the Users subtab.
You will get the list of all users in this profile. Sync status of the users will be displayed in the Effective synchronization status column.
Monitor synchronization session statistics¶
Beyond general sync statuses for users and profiles, you can view details for each individual sync session. These session details are available on the Statistics page, organized separately for profiles and users.
Review synchronization statistics for profiles¶
To review synchronization statistics for a profile:
- In the Administration section, click Profile.
- Select the profile you want to review.
- Go to the Statistics subtab.
A list of all sync sessions for the selected profile will be displayed.
Synchronization statistics details¶
Column | Description |
User ID | The unique identifier of the user associated with the sync session. |
Synchronization start date | The date and time when the synchronization session began. |
Synchronization end date | The date and time when the synchronization session concluded. |
Status | The outcome of the synchronization session. |
Synchronization scope | The total number of items (e.g., contacts, emails, events) eligible for synchronization during the session based on filtering criteria. |
Changes | The number of changes detected and processed during the sync session, including new, updated, or deleted records. |
Issues | The number of issues encountered during the sync session. |
Error category | The classification of any errors detected, such as “Authorization,” “Throttling,” or “Connectivity.” |
Error source | The origin of any errors, indicating whether they occurred on the CRM side, the mail server, or within the sync application. |
Message | A brief description of any errors or issues encountered. |
Actions | An option for downloading session data for further analysis. |
Possible synchronization statuses¶
Status | Description |
Started | The session has begun and is currently in progress. |
Skipped | The session was bypassed, e.g., no changes were detected in the user’s CRM or mailbox, based on the adaptive sync interval algorithm. |
Success | The synchronization completed successfully with no issues. |
Canceled | The session was stopped or interrupted before it was finished. |
Error | The synchronization encountered a problem and was not completed as expected. |
Ready to synchronize | The synchronization session is queued and ready to begin once triggered by the system or schedule. |
You can customize the columns displayed in the list. To show or hide columns:
- Click the Table actions icon () in the top-right corner.
- Select or clear the checkbox next to each column name to display or hide it.
Review synchronization statistics for individual users¶
To view sync statistics for an individual user:
- In the Administration section, click Users.
- Open the desired user’s page and go to the Statistics subtab.
This displays a list of all sync sessions for the selected user, with columns identical to those in the profile view.
To filter sync sessions for a specific period, set the From and To dates at the top of the page.
By default, From is set to three days prior to the current date, and To is set to the present time.
Download synchronization session data¶
You can export or download sync session data in CSV or ZIP formats for further analysis.
Export entire profile data (CSV)¶
To export sync statistics for an entire profile:
- In the Administration section, open the Profiles tab.
- Open the desired profile and go to the Statistics subtab.
- Click the Export to CSV icon ().
- In the Save dialogue, choose a location to save the file, then click Save.
Export data for specific user (ZIP or CSV)¶
To export sync statistics for a specific user:
- In the Administration section, open the Users tab.
- Open the desired user’s page and go to the Statistics subtab.
Download the logs using one of the following methods:
To export all logs for the user in CSV format:
- Click the Export to CSV icon () in the upper-right corner.
- In the Save dialog, choose a location to save the file, then click Save.
To export logs for a specific period in CSV format:
- Set the From and To dates on the toolbar. By default, From is three days prior to the current date, and To is set to the present.
- Select all logs or only the desired logs within that range.
- Click the Export to CSV icon () in the upper-right corner.
- In the Save dialog, choose a location to save the file, then click Save.
To download logs for a specific period in ZIP format:
- Set the From and To date range on the toolbar.
- Select all logs or only the desired logs within that range.
- Click Download in the upper-right corner.
- In the Save dialog, choose where to save the file, then click Save.
Download logs for individual sessions (ZIP)¶
For detailed analysis of a specific sync session, download its log in ZIP format. This option is available for both profile and user statistics.
To download a single session log in ZIP format:
In the Actions column, click the Download log icon ().
In the Save dialog, choose a location to save the file, then click Save.
Monitor synchronization issues¶
When synchronization cannot create, update, or delete certain objects in MS Outlook, Gmail, or Salesforce, a sync issue is logged for the user.
Check synchronization issues by profile¶
Due to the potentially large volume of data, sync issues are available only as a downloadable CSV file to ensure smooth data handling and prevent display issues.
To view sync issues for all users within a profile:
- In the Administration section, click Profiles.
- Select the desired profile and go to the Sync issues subtab.
- Click Export To CSV.
- In the Save dialog, select a location for the file, then click Save.
Check synchronization issues by user¶
To view sync issues for a specific user:
- In the Administration section, click Users.
- Open the desired user’s page and go to the Sync issues subtab.
The Sync issues page displays a list of all sync issues logged for the selected user.
Sync issues details¶
Field | Description |
ID | A unique identifier for the sync issue. |
User name | The name of the user associated with the sync issue. |
Profile name | The profile assigned to the user, indicating the sync configuration applied to their account. |
Date | The date and time when the sync issue occurred. |
Type | The type of object that failed to sync, such as Emails, Events, Contacts, etc. |
Connectivity | The sync direction, specifying whether the data was being synchronized from MS Outlook or Gmail to Salesforce, or vice versa. |
Name | The name of the object involved in the sync issue, such as the Full name for Contacts or the Subject line for Events. |
Operation name | The type of operation attempted during the sync process, such as Create, Update, or Delete. |
Error Code | A code that identifies the specific error encountered, useful for diagnosing the issue. |
Description | A text description of the error, returned by the system where the sync change was attempted. |
Error source | The origin of the sync error, indicating whether it was caused by the CRM, mail server, or sync application. |
Target object ID | The unique identifier of the object in the target system (e.g., Salesforce), which can be used to locate the item affected by the sync issue. |
Sync error codes¶
Error Code | Description |
0 | The object is active; synchronization was successful. |
1 | The object is locked; an error occurred during the operation. |
2 | The object has already been removed from storage. |
3 | The object is inaccessible or was updated prematurely in storage. |