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How To Mass-Activate Salesforce Access for Multiple Users

For users of the Email Sidebar on:


3 min read



To use RG Email Sidebar Admin panel, special access permissions are required. To request the permissions for your organization, contact Revenue Grid support team by email. Admin panel provides tools for managing end users and some of its key settings it includes duplicate RG Email Sidebar Customization and Sync settings on Admin level

This article is an addition to the articles Managing Organizations and Managing Users.

The RG Sync Engine provides the possibility to perform bulk authorization of users in Salesforce. Combined with mass Email access authorization via Exchange Impersonation, it allows to exclude the necessity of any setup actions from the end users. In addition, if this option is used, no authorization prompts will pop up for the end users to refresh an expired access token.

To set up immediate out-of-the-box Salesforce connection for all RG users in your Org, use the new sub-tab Salesforce Connectivity of RGES Admin panel’s Organizations tab. A prerequisite for this feature is creation of either a service Salesforce account granted full data visibility in the Org or an API only user set up to authorize Salesforce access for multiple end users. Presently, the latter authentication option is unavailable.


Mass-authorization of users in Salesforce with Salesforce Service Account is compatible only with RG Sync. It is not yet available for the Add-In mass-authorization.


In March 2023 release, the new Admin Panel was introduced. The support of the legacy Admin Panel will be ceased soon, thus we strongly encourage that our customers switch to the new Admin Panel. This article contains two sections:
How to mass-authorize users in the new Admin Panel
How to mass-authorize users in the legacy Admin Panel



How to mass-authorize users in the new Admin Panel

Authorization using a service account with granted data visibility

Follow the below instruction to mass-authorize Salesforce access for the end users via the Salesforce Connectivity tab.


The Salesforce account to be used for this feature should be a specially created service-only account, no active RGES user account can be used for that

1. Create a Salesforce user account with granted data visibility for all data in the Org (“View all data”) that will be accessed and managed by RGES users in your company. If you intend to mass-authorize RGES end users’ access to a Salesforce Sandbox environment, create a corresponding service user account in this environment. Note that you should not provision the account in RG Email Sidebar, as it will only be used for Salesforce access authorization


2. Open RG Admin panel > Profiles tab > Connectivity subtab


3. On the subtab, in the CRM block, click the Log in with Salesforce button



Presently, only the Salesforce OAuth authorization option is available; it implies that the pre-set service Salesforce account’s refresh token will be used to authorize access for a specified group of RGES end users


4. Log in to the pre-set service account via a standard Salesforce OAuth window that will be opened in your browser


5. If authorization was successful, you will see that the Salesforce service account status changed to Connected



Re-establishing connection after refresh token expiration

If the service account’s refresh token expires, which results in the entitled end users’ RG Sync being suspended, the local RG Admin sees a status change to Disconnected in the CRM block on the Connectivity tab



Users’ sync status/Salesforce connection can also be monitored via the Users sub-tab of Admin panel’s Profiles tab. Specifically, the Synchronization status of the users whose synchronization changes to the Disabled status; if clicking on such user brings up a notification “invalid_grant: expired access/refresh token”, that means the user’s access token requires refreshing


To get a new refresh token and reestablish Salesforce connection:

1. Open the Connectivity subtab of the Profile tab in the RG Admin panel

2. Click Refresh in the CRM block


3. Log in to the pre-set service account afresh via a standard Salesforce OAuth window that will be opened in your browser

Now RG users’ Salesforce connection will be recovered.

How to mass-authorize users in the legacy Admin Panel


Authorization using a service account with granted data visibility

Follow the below instruction to mass-authorize Salesforce access for the end users via the Salesforce Connectivity tab.


The Salesforce account to be used for this feature should be a specially created service-only account, no active RGES user account can be used for that

1. Create a Salesforce user account with granted data visibility for all data in the Org (“View all data”) that will be accessed and managed by RGES users in your company. If you intend to mass-authorize RGES end users’ access to a Salesforce Sandbox environment, create a corresponding service user account in this environment. Note that you should not provision the account in RG Email Sidebar, as it will only be used for Salesforce access authorization

2. Open RGES Admin panel > Organizations tab > Salesforce Connectivity sub-tab


3. On the sub-tab, toggle the switch button Login using Salesforce Service Account to Enabled


4. Presently, only the Salesforce OAuth authorization option is available; it implies that the pre-set service Salesforce account’s refresh token will be used to authorize access for a specified group of RGES end users

5. Next, click Salesforce Account (regular Salesforce Org authorization) or Salesforce Sandbox (Salesforce Sandbox environment authorization) to proceed


6. Log in to the pre-set service account via a standard Salesforce OAuth window that will be opened in your browser


7. If authorization was successful, you will see Salesforce connection status: Salesforce connection established successfully and the service account’s user ID



Re-establishing connection after refresh token expiration

If the service account’s refresh token expires, which results in the entitled end users’ RGES Sync being suspended, the local RG Email Sidebar Admin gets a corresponding notification in the Salesforce Connectivity tab



Users’ sync status/Salesforce connection can also be monitored via the Users sub-tab of Admin panel’s Organizations tab. Specifically, the users whose synchronization is suspended are marked with red color; if clicking on such user brings up a notification “invalid_grant: expired access/refresh token”, that means the user’s access token requires refreshing


To get a new refresh token and re-establish Salesforce connection:

1. Open the Salesforce Connectivity tab of RGES Admin panel

2. Click Yes in the “Salesforce connectivity was lost …” dialog


3. Log in to the pre-set service account afresh via a standard Salesforce OAuth window that will be opened in your browser

Now RGES users’ Salesforce connection will be recovered.


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