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How the Solution Works with Required Fields and Layouts in Salesforce

For users of the Email Sidebar on:


4 min read



RG Email Sidebar only supports custom Salesforce page layouts if record types are configured. Learn about configuring record types in the following article


In Salesforce, page layouts control the layout and organization of fields on record cards. They also help to determine which fields are visible or read-only.

RG Email Sidebar supports custom Salesforce layouts – limit fields to display for each object type without altering your Salesforce layout settings.

RG Email Sidebar takes into consideration both record types and user profiles when displaying Salesforce fields in the Add-In / Chrome Extension. For example, if a user at your organizations has access only to a specific “Account” record type (e.g., “Enterprise Account”) with a configured page layout, they will only see fields specified in that particular layout when creating / updating / viewing records in the Add-In / Chrome Extension.


Learn more about creating and modifying Salesforce page layouts in the following article


By default, RG Email Sidebar uses the same field order that is specified in your record page layouts to display Salesforce records when you create / view / update them using the Add-In / Chrome Extension. All changes you make to your record page layout will be reflected in the Add-In / Chrome Extension, including related objects as well as the field order.You could find details on that in the article below.


To update data displaying in RG Email Sidebar after changing the settings, either open Customization page without saving (this way RG Email Sidebar will retrieve the most recent data from Salesforce), or open RG Email Sidebar and allow up to 5 minutes to get the layout changes applied automatically

You can remove specific fields from RG Email Sidebar using Customization page. To do this, first go to the Customization page by clicking the Menu button in the Add-In / Chrome Extension.


On Customization settings page, find the object card you want to edit and click Detailed view.

In the window that appears, you can add Salesforce fields to be reflected in the Add-In / Chrome Extension. By default, RG Email Sidebar uses the fields selected on the Detail page in Salesforce, but you can add all Salesforce fields used in the page layout from the Fields that are in Salesforce, but not on Account’s card in RG Email Sidebar list.

Selected fields will be shown in the Add-In based on your page layout. To adjust their order, edit the page layout in Salesforce. Find out more in the article below.

Click the Notepad icon to show more details about the field. Additionally, you can marked the field as Important.

Important fields are prioritized for displaying when you create new records or view existing records in the Detailed view. You can select or clear the Show only important fields checkbox to display only the fields you marked as important, and vice versa.

However, RG Email Sidebar takes into consideration the fields in your Record Layouts first. If you designate certain fields in your layouts as required, they will be important by default.


If you designate a field as Important, but it is not in your Salesforce record layout, it will not be shown in the Add-In / Chrome Extension


You can add an additional layer of data control by allowing users to create / update only certain record types in the Add-In / Chrome Extension. Please refer to this article to learn more.


If you are using the 2-column layout in Salesforce, RG Email Sidebar will follow the Tab-key Order of your choice to display fields


Additionally, RG Email Sidebar sorts related lists in the Detailed View based on the page layout. In Salesforce, on the Page Layout settings page, you can order related objects by dragging them into desired positions. These positions will be reflected in the Add-In / Chrome Extension. Additionally, RG Email Sidebar fetches custom Labels for Related Lists, so if you rename them in Salesforce, they will be renamed in RG Email Sidebar as well.



If certain fields in your Salesforce layout are set as required or read-only, that will be reflected in the Add-In / Chrome Extension. They will be also handled as important

RG Email Sidebar takes into consideration your page layouts and all additional setting on the Customization page while displaying fields in the Create New record form.



Custom Buttons

RG Email Sidebar displays custom buttons added in Salesforce in the Add-In / Chrome Extension. If you have any custom buttons configured on the page layout, you can access them by clicking the ●●● (More) button in the record’s Detailed view.



Presently, RG Email Sidebar supports only custom buttons and links retrieved from Salesforce layouts data. Learn more about creating and managing Salesforce custom buttons this article


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