Managing Tasks via the Solution (Tasks Sync)¶

Starting in December 2024, Task synchronization is no longer available out of the box. To enable this feature, please contact our support team and submit a request.
With RG Email Sidebar and Sync Engine, you can save and update your work tasks in Salesforce directly from your preferred mail client. Task reminders are also synced, ensuring you never miss an important deadline. The solution offers selective automatic Task synchronization with Salesforce, making it an invaluable tool for job reporting and coordination.
If Task synchronization is enabled for your profile, Revenue Grid Sync Engine ensures continuous background syncing of Tasks between Microsoft Exchange/Microsoft 365 and Salesforce. Once activated, the synchronization runs regularly on the server side.
Session intervals are based on your company settings and the frequency of data changes in your mailbox. For more details on sync intervals, refer to: Adaptive Sync Session Interval Calculation Explained.
Refer to this article to learn how MS Exchange / Microsoft 365 Task item fields are matched with Salesforce Tasks by RGES. Also refer to this article for more details on configuring objects synchronization.
Enabling Tasks synchronization¶
After RG Sync Engine is set up and Task synchronization is activated for your profile, you must also enable it in your Sync settings.
To set up Task down-syncing from Salesforce to your mail client:
Navigate to the Sync Settings page (see Open Sync Settings page for details).
In the General subtab, turn on the Sync my Salesforce tasks toggle in the Tasks section.
Note that your Tasks existing in MS Exchange / Microsoft 365 prior to RGES sync activation will not be synced with Salesforce, unless you specifically select them to be synced using either one of the methods described below.
Saving a task in Salesforce¶
You can save an MS Exchange / Microsoft 365 Task in Salesforce in one of the following ways:
- By assigning the task the custom Salesforce category. In this case on the following sync session the task will be saved in Salesforce and automatically moved to the Salesforce Tasks folder
- By moving the task to the dedicated Salesforce Tasks folder. On the following sync session the task will be saved in Salesforce and automatically assigned the Salesforce category. As long as the task stays in the folder, any changes made to it will be conveyed to its matching Task object in Salesforce
If the Salesforce category is unassigned after an item was moved to the dedicated Salesforce folder and synchronized with Salesforce, RGES sync will automatically restore the category on this item on the following sync session – items will remain synced if you just unassign the custom category from them but leave them in the dedicated folder. In the opposite case, if a synchronized item is removed from the dedicated Salesforce folder to be unsynced, RGES sync will automatically remove the custom category from this item in MS Outlook on the following sync session
Your personal Tasks located in the default Tasks folder or other folders in MS Exchange / Microsoft 365 will not get saved in Salesforce. Only the Tasks assigned the Salesforce category or moved to the Salesforce Tasks folder will get saved.
Editing a Salesforce task via RG Email Sidebar¶
You can edit a Salesforce task via RGES in one of the following ways:
- In RG Email Sidebar, expand a related record’s card, select the Related tab and expand the necessary Task under Open activities
- Alternatively, find the needed Task among Open activities right on the Sidebar’s home screen
Opening a task directly in Salesforce¶
To open a task in Salesforce, do the following:
- Find the necessary Task in RG Email Sidebar using either of the ways described in the previous section
- Click the Cloud icon or the
icon next to the Task’s header; the Task will be opened in Salesforce in your browser
Changes made to a task via RG Email Sidebar are conveyed to Salesforce immediately and do not require RGES sync to be active, while changes made to tasks in email client will appear in Salesforce only after the following sync session.
Tasks syncing limitations via MS Graph¶
Tasks syncing via MS Graph has the following limitations:
- Recurring Tasks syncing is not supported
- No deleted Tasks processing via MS Graph
- Private Tasks do not get synced
- Categories are not supported
- Migration from MS Graph Tasks to EWS Tasks cannot be carried out
If Impersonation over MS Graph is used to mass-deploy the solution for end users, Tasks Syncing is completely unavailable.