Saving an Enhanced Email to the Extra Salesforce Object via RG Email Sidebar¶

This article is applicable only if the Enhanced email Salesforce feature is enabled in your Org’s configuration. Refer to this Salesforce article for more information about the Enhanced email feature
Besides the manual and automatic saving of email messages to the related Salesforce objects parsed from the email’s “To”, “CC”, and “BCC” fields, body, and signature, RG Email Sidebar allows saving email messages to any Salesforce object using the Linked records search box in Save email dialog. Such saving method is characterized with a specific handling of such items on the Salesforce side.
Saving an Enhanced email message manually to the extra (unlinked) Salesforce object results in adding the object’s email address to the “Other Address” field (Other Related People) of the Enhanced email in Salesforce,
even if it is absent in the primary email message in MS Exchange / Microsoft 365 / Gmail.
If you click Reply to in Salesforce on the primary related object, the email message will not get sent out to the record specified in the Other Related People section.
It is an expected behavior and should be considered when saving Enhanced emails to the extra Salesforce objects via RG Email Sidebar.