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How to Configure Room Lists for MS Exchange Meetings Over EWS

For users of the Email Sidebar on:


2 min read


If your Org uses Exchange Web Services to access email and calendar data, the local MS Exchange Admin should make certain configuration adjustments in order to make Meeting Room lists available in RG Email Sidebar, e.g. to be used for RGES’s’ Book me and Time Slots features.


If an impersonating Service account is used forRevenue Grid Sync users authorization, the Service account must have a mailbox and an Office license assigned to it. If the Service Account does not have a mailbox or license assigned, rooms and resources will not be retrieved in room lists via EWS


Then you should configure Room lists, that can only be done via PowerShell for both MS Exchange and Office 365. See this article to learn how to connect to your Office 365 instance via PowerShell.

After you have connected it, follow the steps below:

1. Create a Member Room. Room resources can be created via or via PowerShell. See this Microsoft article for more information

2. Enter the following cmdlet in PowerShell:

New-DistributionGroup -Name "{meeting room's name}" -OrganizationalUnit "{your Org's Exchange instance}/Users" -RoomList

All created Rooms must be included into this list.

3. Enter another cmdlet in PowerShell:

Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "{meeting room's name}" -Member Room#

4. Repeat the step 3 for every room that should be added


All meeting Rooms configured this way will become available in RG Email Sidebar after the users re-login into the Add-In



Troubleshooting Resources Availability Over EWS

In case the rooms or other resources are still unavailable in RG Email Sidebar, you can troubleshoot the configuration using a free and safe open-source tool EWS Editor.

1. Connect to your Exchange server via EWS Editor See this article to learn how to do that

2. Open Tools > Meeting rooms… or another resource category

>>> Click to see a screenshot <<<


3. Read [this article]he rooms’ availability in the Room list

>>> Click to see a screenshot <<<