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Manage Sidebar settings (admin level)

3 min read · For Email Sidebar users on:


The features described here apply to the admin-level settings. To learn more about managing Sidebar settings at the user level, visit this page.


As an admin, you can manage your Sidebar settings and those of other users at the user and profile levels, ensuring consistency across teams, streamlining configurations, and simplifying updates.

Key features include:

Import Sidebar settings from a user

To import Sidebar settings directly from another user:

  1. On the Objects page toolbar, click Manage settings.

  2. Select Import from a user from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the confirmation dialog, enter or select the user whose settings you want to import, and click Import. You will receive a notification that the settings have been imported and unsaved changes are pending.

  4. Click Save to apply the imported settings, then refresh the Sidebar.

Share Sidebar settings with users

To share Sidebar settings with individual users or groups:

  1. On the Objects page toolbar, click Manage settings.

  2. Select Share with users from the drop-down menu.

  3. Use the Search or Filter features to find the users with whom you want to share the settings, then click Share.

You will receive a notification confirming that the settings have been shared successfully.

Push Sidebar settings to a profile

To apply Sidebar settings to all users within a profile:

  1. On the Objects page toolbar, click Manage settings.

  2. Select Push to a profile from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the confirmation dialog, select the target profile.

  4. Choose one of the following options:

    • Set as optional: Allows users to modify the applied settings.
    • Set as enforced: Prevents users from modifying the applied settings.


When you push Sidebar settings to a profile as enforced, ensure you are not a user of that profile. Otherwise, your Sidebar settings will also become read-only.

  1. Click Push to apply the settings. You will receive a confirmation notification.

Change user’s Sidebar settings

To modify the Sidebar settings for a specific user:

  1. In the Admin Panel, go to the Users tab.

  1. Use the Search field to locate the user and click their name to open the Details page.
  2. Expand the Sidebar settings section, and click Objects or Advanced settings to open the corresponding page.

You can modify the user’s settings here as needed. To save the changes, click Save.

General notes

  • When settings are updated and saved, users currently using the Sidebar will see the notification: “Add-In settings auto-update is pending.” They can click Restart or wait for the Sidebar to restart automatically.

  • For users not currently using the Sidebar, the new settings will apply the next time they open it.