Manage Sidebar objects¶

This article covers features in the updated Sidebar settings, previously known as Sidebar Customization. For information about the legacy version, please visit this page.
All Sidebar settings are organized into two tabs: Objects and Advanced settings. This article explains how to use the Objects settings to configure the Sidebar to view and process objects according to your workflow.
In the Sidebar Objects settings, you can:
- Add objects to the Sidebar
- Change the order of objects
- Pin an object to keep it always visible
- Remove objects from the Sidebar
- Validate Sidebar settings
Add objects to the Sidebar¶
In addition to Revenue Grid objects, at least one Salesforce object must be added to the Object menu. If no Salesforce object is added, the Save button in the Sidebar becomes disabled, and you cannot save any emails or events.
To allow the Sidebar to view, process, and search records for specific object types, such as Contacts or Accounts, you must add these objects to the Objects menu in the Sidebar settings. Some of them are included by default, but to add others, follow these steps:
- On the toolbar, click Manage objects to open the dialog with a list of all available objects. Selected objects have already been added to the list.
- Enter the object’s name in the Search objects field to quickly locate it in the list.
- Select the object by clicking the checkbox next to it.
When you select an object with related objects, all its related objects will be automatically selected, and you will receive a notification.
- Click Save in the dialog. The object’s card will now appear in the Object menu above the others.
- Click Save to apply the changes, then refresh the Sidebar.
Change the order of objects¶
The order of cards in the Object menu reflects how objects are arranged in the Sidebar.
To adjust this order to fit your workflow best:
- Find the object you want to replace and hover over the drag handle until it highlights.
- Click and hold the left mouse button, then drag the card to your desired location.
- Release the mouse button to place the card.
- Repeat these steps for all cards you want to replace, then click Save to apply the changes and refresh the Sidebar.
Once the object card is moved and you apply the changes in the Sidebar settings, the object’s position in the Sidebar will be updated accordingly.
You can also change the order of objects directly in the Sidebar. To do this:
- On the Sidebar’s Home screen, hover over an object tab.
- Click the Three dots icon that appears on the right.
- Click the Move tab to Top or Move tab to Bottom command to move the category to the top or bottom of the list.
Pin an object to keep it always visible¶
In the Sidebar, object tabs remain hidden until a related record of that object type is found. However, you can pin an object to keep its tab visible in the Sidebar, even if no related records are retrieved from Salesforce.
The Reminder, Suggested new records and Signal tabs appear in the Sidebar only when a corresponding signal or suggestion occurs. These tabs cannot be pinned.
How to pin an object¶
To pin an object:
- In the Object menu, find the corresponding card and click the Pin icon on the right. The icon will fill to show that the object is pinned.
- Click Save to apply the changes, then refresh the Sidebar. An object’s tab will always be displayed on the Sidebar’s Home page.
How to unpin an object¶
To unpin an object:
- In the Object menu, find the corresponding card and click the Pin icon again. The icon will become unfilled, showing the object is no longer pinned.
- Click Save to apply the changes, then refresh the Sidebar.
Remove objects from the Sidebar¶
- In addition to Revenue Grid objects, at least one Salesforce object must be added to the Sidebar. If no Salesforce object is added, the Save button in the Sidebar becomes disabled, and you cannot save any emails or events.
- Revenue Grid objects cannot be removed.
To prevent the Sidebar from viewing, processing, and searching records related to specific object types, such as Contacts or Accounts, you must remove these objects from the Object menu in the Sidebar settings. To do this:
- In the Object menu, locate the corresponding object card and click the Close icon ().
- In the dialogue that appears, click Yes to confirm the removal. The object will disappear from the menu.
- Click Save to apply the changes, then refresh the Sidebar.
Alternatively, you can remove the object from the Manage objects dialogue by clearing the checkbox next to it and saving the changes.
The Sidebar will no longer process records related to this object type.
Validate Sidebar settings¶
The Revenue Grid Email Sidebar customization must not conflict with Salesforce configurations or contain gaps, such as missing fields that other objects or fields rely on, to ensure smooth functionality. Therefore, checking for potential conflicts is crucial whenever you make changes.
When you click Save, the system automatically validates your changes. If no conflicts are found, you will see a confirmation message: “Setting SalesforceAddinCustomization was saved.”
Handling discrepancies¶
If validation detects discrepancies, you will be notified about any missing objects or fields in the Sidebar customization so you can identify and resolve the issues.
For instance, the notification below indicates that the Opportunity Contact Role object includes a Contact field referring to the Contact object, which is missing in the customization.
Once you know the issue, you can return to the customization settings and make the necessary corrections, such as adding the missing items. It is manageable if there are only a few changes, but what if there’s a long list of discrepancies?
Using the Revalidate button¶
To quickly fix multiple discrepancies in your Sidebar settings:
- On the Objects page toolbar, click the Revalidate button.
This feature automatically resolves inconsistencies by removing unnecessary items and adding required ones.
After revalidation, you can review the changes in the Show details section at the top of the page.
To display a detailed list of updated objects and fields, click Show details.
To hide this detailed report, click Hide details.
To apply the changes after revalidation, click Save and refresh the Sidebar.
Best Practices for Revalidation¶
We recommend revalidating your customization whenever you:
- Make changes in the Sidebar settings.
- Update your Salesforce configuration.
Regular revalidation ensures that your Sidebar customization remains consistent and aligned with the latest Salesforce configuration.