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How to enable EWS at the Exchange Online organization (tenant) level

1 min read · For Email Sidebar users on:


Starting in April 2025, Microsoft is changing how the EWSEnabled setting works in Exchange Online. This update supports Microsoft’s plan to retire EWS in Exchange Online by October 2026.

To ensure uninterrupted functionality of Revenue Grid solutions, Exchange Online administrators must verify that EWS is enabled at both the organization (tenant) and user (mailbox) levels for users who connect via EWS.

For details on these changes and how to check if your users are affected, see EWS access control changes in Exchange Online.

This article explains how to enable EWS organization-wide if it is currently disabled.

Enable EWS at the tenant level

To enable EWS at the tenant level in Exchange Online, use Exchange Online PowerShell.

  1. Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell:

    Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName
  2. Enable EWS for the organization:

    Set-OrganizationConfig -EwsEnabled $true
  3. Verify that EWS is enabled:

    Get-OrganizationConfig | Select EwsEnabled

If the output is true, EWS is enabled.


If your organization has already been using Revenue Grid, EWS is likely enabled for existing users at the Exchange Online user level, so there is no need to check their settings.

However, if you want to double-check the setting or ensure that new users have EWSEnabled set to true, follow the instructions in How to enable EWS at the Exchange Online user (mailbox) level.

See also