Calendars Synchronization: Essential Exceptions¶

This guide covers exceptions to the Calendar Items synchronization. Also refer to this article explaining advanced RGES sync patterns and to this article explaining available custom sync adjustment settings.
In what cases the calendars are not 1:1 identical?¶
Both Salesforce and MS Exchange / Microsoft 365 have certain technical restrictions which can lead to events not always syncing between the calendars. Some underlying causes are listed in this Salesforce article.
General exceptions:
No recurring Salesforce Lightning Events downsyncing¶
A fundamental limitation, presently RGES sync engine can synchronize to MS Exchange / Microsoft 365 recurring Salesforce Events created in Salesforce Classic but not ones created in Salesforce Lightning.
To work with recurring Events via RG Email Sidebar, make sure to configure the prerequisites as described in this article.
Private Meetings or Appointments do not get synced¶
Meetings or appointments flagged as private in MS Outlook do not get synced to Salesforce, unless a specific global setting is enabled to allow that. See this article for details.
Specific Exceptions:
Attendees related exceptions¶
The only use case that causes a sync conflict is when an attendee who is a RG Email Sidebar user attempts saving to Salesforce a meeting organized by another user before it is saved by the organizer.
Another special consideration is that if an outside organizer or an in-org organizer that doesn’t use RGES initiates a meeting and it gets saved by a RGES user, it will get synced in Salesforce as an Event with no attendees.
If a recurring Meeting series’ master item gets updated in MS Exchange / Microsoft 365¶
• MS Exchange / Microsoft 365 will update all both past and future occurrences
• Only the future Events will be changed in Salesforce
• RGES handles an update of event series in SFDC in the following way: past events are not changed and no updates are sent to attendees, only the future ones are updated
• Salesforce will overwrite any changed Event’s Description, Location, and WhatId relationships for individual events in the series based on the “master” event: all occurrences in Exchange / Microsoft 365 will get changed, including the exceptions
• Technical reason. The two systems handle this aspect differently
Recurring all-day Events¶
• Recurring all-day Events do not get synced to Salesforce
• A sync issue will be logged
• A custom “Error” category will be applied to the item in MS Outlook indicating a sync issue
• A technical reason. Due to time zones handling difficulties for all-day Events
Similarly, recurring all-day Events created in Salesforce do not get down-synced to MS Exchange / Microsoft 365.
Converting an already synced single occurrence item to a recurring series or vice versa¶
• The resulting recurring series or single occurrence item will not get synced to Salesforce
• A sync issue will be logged
• A custom “Error” category will be applied to the item in MS Outlook indicating a sync issue
• Technical reason. Salesforce does not allow converting a single occurrence event to a recurring series or vice versa
Time zone auto-sync exceptions¶
If an event created in Exchange uses a time zone that is not supported by Salesforce, the event may not sync. Refer to this article for all details.