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Allow Sync Engine to Work with Your Data (Sync Activation)

3 min read · For Email Sidebar users on:

This article describes in which cases you need to activate Revenue Grid Synchronization and instructions on authorizing the Sync Engine to work with your data.


Many customers ensure that Revenue Grid Sync is mass-activated for the end users by the local Admin, so no extra setup actions are required. See this article for more information on RGES mass deployment scenarios

Users need to activate RG Synchronization in the following cases:


If Sync activation is skipped, a number of key RG Email Sidebar features performed by RGES Synchronization will be unavailable

If RGES Sync stops due to an error, the end users or the Admin user get an automatic email notification with instructions how to re-enable it:



If you are using several different email boxes for your correspondence (not aliases), make sure to authorize RGES Sync data access for the same email box as one for which you installed the Add-In, otherwise the Sync engine functions will work incorrectly even though RGES Sync will appear to be running




Activate RGES Sync for MS Exchange

To activate (reactivate) your RGES Sync engine for MS Exchange:

  • Enter your Exchange mailbox's Login and Password and click Connect to Exchange

In some configurations, you may also need to enter a valid Exchange Web Services link specific to your company's Exchange configuration. To do that, click More v icon and paste the EWS link provided by your local Exchange Admin into the field.

After access has been authorized, RGES Sync will start running every 30 minutes 24/7 for this email account.

Also, refer to these instructions if you want to pause the synchronization or completely disable RGES Sync Engine.


You may update both mailbox and Salesforce accounts in sync settings at any point later. Refer to this article to learn how



Activate RGES Sync for Microsoft 365

To activate (reactivate) your RGES Sync engine for Microsoft 365:

1. Click the Connect to Microsoft 365 button. A browser window with Microsoft 365 login page will be opened

2. Enter your Microsoft 365 login credentials in the Microsoft 365 OAuth 2.0 dialog or pick an account from the list when available

3. Next, click Accept to grant Revenue Grid Email Sidebar permissions to work with your Microsoft 365 data

Note, that you may not see this dialog if permissions were granted earlier by you or your admin.

After access has been authorized, RGES Sync will start running every 30 minutes 24/7 for this email account.

Also, refer to these instructions if you want to pause the synchronization or completely disable RGES Sync Engine.


You may update both mailbox and Salesforce accounts in sync settings at any point later. Refer to this article to learn how



Activate RGES Sync for Gmail

See this article to learn how to activate Revenue Grid Sync for Gmail / Google Workspace (G Suite) mailboxes.