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How to Ensure Tracked successfully Custom Category Displaying in MS Outlook

3 min read · For Email Sidebar users on:


Some users need to be able to quickly check if an email was already saved to Salesforce by RGES, without viewing the email’s data in RG Email Sidebar.

The custom ‘Tracked Successfully’ category is auto-added to saved items by Sync Engine; however, it is not displayed if the category was not configured in MS Outlook Master category list. To ensure that the category is displayed on saved emails, follow the steps below:


1. Right-click on an email in an MS Outlook folder, click Categorize, then select All Categories…


2. You’ll see the Categories list, highlight the white category Status: Tracked successfully, then click New…

3. Add any other preferred color for this category and click OK


After you do that, all tracked and synced emails will have both informative categories displayed in MS Outlook.